Login at Wizzflix

You can use Wizzflix in 2 ways. Via the app on your phone or tablet or via the browser on any device. Here you can read how it works.

Option 1: Via the app

Step 1: Open the SMS or email you received
Step 2: Install the app on your phone or tablet.

Click here to go to the App Store
Click here to go to Google Play

Step 3: Register yourself with the same details that are known to your employer.
* Your login details are personal and cannot be shared with third parties.

Option 2: Via the browser

Step 1: Open the SMS or email you received
Step 2: Go to the Wizzflix app website.

Click here to go to the app website

Step 3: Register yourself with the same details that are known to your employer.
* Your login details are personal and cannot be shared with third parties.